25+ | 50+ | 100+ | 300+ | 500+ |
1,058.80 Kč | 996.55 Kč | 934.25 Kč | 872.00 Kč | 809.70 Kč |
Při velkém odběru je možnost domluvy na individuální ceně. Ceny jsou bez DPH (21%).
French press coffee maker with a high-quality borosilicate glass container. The glass is heat resistant and does not alter the natural flavour of the coffee. It features a reusable, stainless steel plunger and filter that extracts all oils from the coffee beans to leave minimal sediment in the cup. The chrome-plated stainless steel frame protects the glass carafe while the plastic lid and handle allow for safe and convenient use. The Caffettiera combines the ease and speed of preparation with the purity of flavour of a press coffee maker. It can hold up to 1 L. Supplied in a gift box. 171 x 242 x 106 mm
Možnosti přizpůsobení: Gravírování laserem, NÁLEPKY
Materiál: Plast,Nerezová ocel,
Velikost: 171 x 242 x 106 mm
Počet položek v kartonu: 6
Počet položek v krabičce: 1
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